Tor browser .ico
Tor browser .ico

tor browser .ico tor browser .ico

32x32 px is the size of Windows desktop items while 16x16 px is the size of favicons in your browser's tab. htaccess which might be causing strange 500 Internal Server Error messages.Resize and save your favicon. It could be as simple as not fetching (we tried that and it didn't work, because our root cause was different) or look around for directives in nf or. If you run "curl -v and get a warning about the host name not being in the resolver cache or something to that effect, you might experience problems. We also had several virtual hosts set up for development, and only failed out with 500 Internal Server Error when using and fetching /favicon.ico. Commenting out extra headers being sent resolved our favicon.ico issue. but we had forgotten to sudo a2enmod headers beforehand. Header set X-XSS-Protection "1 mode=block" In our experience, with Apache falling over on request of favicon.ico, we commented out extra headers in the. icoĮxpiresByType image/x-icon "access plus 1 month" htaccess this is reported to work (not checked by me):- AddType image/x-icon. It will be drawn from the browser cache for a month after the users visit.įor. Then a single favicon.ico will work for all the virtual hosted sites since you are aliasing it. If the server document root is say /var/"/var/www/html/favicon.ico" If you have control over a complete Apache server or maybe a virtual server you can do this:. When the same user comes back to your site it will be loaded from the browser cache and no request will go to your site. htaccess or server directives, set the file Expires header a month or two in the future. I made a black and white one under 200 bytes. You can stop the browser requesting favicon.ico when a user returns to your site, by getting it to stay in the browser cache.įirst, provide a small favicon.ico image, could be blank, but as small as possible. htaccess or server directives to deny access to favicon.ico, but the server will send an access denied reply to the browser and this still slows page access. I left out the "shortcut" name from the "rel" attribute value since that's only for older IE and versions of IE So here is the new one that should cover all recent browsers. I tested on Firefox 27 and it doesn't work while it still work on Webkit/Chrome. The following uses data URI and can be used to avoid fake favicon requests: įrom the comments (jpic) it looks like Firefox >= 25 doesn't like the above syntax anymore. "GET /apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png HTTP/1.1" 404 197

tor browser .ico

Worst yet, in Chrome and Android an IFRAME will generate 3 requests for favicons: "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 183 For example an IFRAME would request a favicon without showing it. However it is not always desired and sometime developers need a way to avoid the extra payload. I will first say that having a favicon in a Web page is a good thing (normally).

Tor browser .ico